A man named Ishmael goes on a big boat with Captain Ahab to catch a big whale called Moby Dick. Ahab really wants to catch Moby Dick because the whale took his leg. Ishmael meets other sailors like Queequeg and sees many different whales. They have many problems like storms and fights before they find Moby Dick. They fight with the whale, but their boat sinks, and most sailors, including Ahab, die. Ishmael is the only one who lives and tells the story.
초등학생 버전
A sailor named Ishmael joins Captain Ahab on the ship Pequod to hunt the giant white whale Moby Dick, who took Ahab's leg. Ishmael meets other sailors like Queequeg and sees different whales on their journey. They face challenges like storms and a mutiny as they search for Moby Dick. Eventually, they find the whale and have a big fight, but the ship sinks and most of the crew, including Ahab, die. Ishmael is the only survivor and tells the story.
중/고등학생 버전
Ishmael, a sailor, joins the whaling ship Pequod, led by Captain Ahab, whose sole obsession is to capture the great white whale, Moby Dick, who had maimed him. Along the voyage, Ishmael forms bonds with other sailors, like the harpooner Queequeg, and they encounter various whale species. As they edge closer to Moby Dick, the crew grapples with perilous storms and internal strife, including a mutiny. Eventually confronting the whale, they engage in a fierce battle, resulting in the tragic sinking of the Pequod and the demise of most, including Ahab. Ishmael, the sole survivor, recounts their perilous journey.
대학생 및 성인 버전
Ishmael embarks on the whaling vessel Pequod under the command of Captain Ahab, driven by an all-consuming obsession to hunt down the monstrous white whale, Moby Dick, who had previously maimed him. Throughout their voyage, Ishmael forms bonds with fellow sailors, notably Queequeg, the harpooner, as they encounter various species of whales. As tensions rise and challenges mount, including treacherous storms and internal strife, the crew relentlessly pursues Moby Dick. Their quest culminates in a harrowing confrontation, resulting in the tragic demise of the Pequod and most of its crew, including Ahab. Ishmael alone survives to recount their perilous odyssey.
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