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청랑의 수준별 영어 소설 읽기 <태양은 다시 떠오른다>

by JadeWolveS 2024. 8. 7.

<The Sun Also Rises>

출처:Micosoft Copilot

유치원생 버전

A group of friends goes from Paris to Spain to watch bullfighting. The main person is Jake Barnes. He was a soldier in World War I. Jake loves a woman named Brett Ashley. But Jake got hurt in the war and can't be Brett's boyfriend. The friends drink a lot and have fun in Spain, but they also feel sad sometimes.

초등학생 버전

A group of friends travels from Paris to Spain to watch bullfighting. The main character is Jake Barnes, a veteran of World War I. He loves a woman named Brett Ashley. But Jake was hurt during the war and can't have a romantic relationship with Brett. The friends drink a lot and enjoy the Spanish nightlife, but they also feel sad and disappointed sometimes.

중/고등학생 버전

A group of friends travels from Paris to Spain to watch bullfighting. The main character, Jake Barnes, is a World War I veteran who is in love with a woman named Brett Ashley. However, Jake was injured during the war and is unable to have a romantic relationship with Brett. The group indulges in drinking and enjoys the vibrant Spanish nightlife, but they also experience moments of sadness and disappointment.

대학생 및 성인 버전

A group of friends travels from Paris to Spain to watch bullfighting. The protagonist, Jake Barnes, is a World War I veteran who is in love with a woman named Brett Ashley. However, due to an injury sustained during the war, Jake is unable to engage in a romantic relationship with Brett. The group frequently indulges in drinking and immerses themselves in the vibrant Spanish nightlife, yet they also grapple with moments of profound sadness and disappointment.

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